Shame on me!
I haven't finished my mobile
portfolio site.
Project Year:
Product Design
Visual Design
‍‍Interaction Design
Providing investors with an easy to use catalogue on funds, bonds, and investment properties
Nuveen manages over 900 billion dollars of wealth assets by investing them in a suite of mutual funds, trusts, and bonds. Their website allowed users to learn about and manage their assets but was difficult to navigate and out of date. We untangling decades of buried statistics within deeply-linked pages and provided more contemporary design principles.
The project
The final deliverable included modularized CMS components and page layouts to assure all information was surfaced throughout all of their products and would be scalable to accommodate for anything they added in the future. In collaboration with. It also included tools to help users manage their accounts and compare different funds to find their best matches.
Complex information
All products are unique from one-another, and need to display varying amounts of data. The "worst-case-scenario" chart is an example that includes all atomized pieces, with all data point and controls that a chart might need.
Dark mode
Charts are available on different colored backgrounds. The charts alternate between dark and light in a binary sequence allowing for maximum scan-ability on pages that have the potential to be long and data-heavy. These variations would ensure longevity and scalability of the product, and allow for interactivity options in the future.
Compare tool
As users browse through products throughout the experiences, they can add it to their toolkit to compare them against one-another to find the best fits for their personal investment needs.
Style guide
Included in the final deliverable is a 64 page developer friendly style guide highlighting rules, character counts, sizing and more to ensure a smooth development process. This allowed for updates or changes to be made beyond the initial scope of the project by any designer or engineer.
Mobile friendly
Scaling these interface moments information to mobile would prove a challenge, but necessary despite over 80% of traffic coming through on desktop.
Mobile friendly
Scaling these interface moments information to mobile would prove a challenge, but necessary despite over 80% of traffic coming through on desktop.
The homepage
To make for a more inspiring and immersive homepage experience, we'd include video and animation to the hero module. The homepage would act primarily as a link to tools and information about high-impact mutual funds, articles, and investors.
Publication pages
Fund designers would need a platform to post articles to be used to build SEO and instill confidence in prospective investors. Articles were modularized and added to the CMS for internal maintenance by Nuveen after handoff.